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Batting Cages/ HitTrax
30 minutes
1 hour
1 hour 30 minutes
2 hours
2 hours 30 minutes
3 hours
3 hours 30 minutes
4 hours
4 hours 30 minutes
5 hours
5 hours 30 minutes
6 hours
6 hours 30 minutes
7 hours
7 hours 30 minutes
8 hours
8 hours 30 minutes
9 hours
9 hours 30 minutes
10 hours
10 hours 30 minutes
11 hours
11 hours 30 minutes
12 hours
12 hours 30 minutes
13 hours
Click on any time to make a booking for a the HitTrax machine or Iron Mike Batting cages. You can schedule in increments of 30 minutes up to 60. No fee will be charged till day of, members of HitTrax schedule below!
Overlay your availability